Vacation Station Kennel

Traveling with Your pet.

    At Vacation Station Kennel we want the pets of our customers and our own pets to have a safe and healthy stay. Our policies are designed to make sure that happens. Those policies can be found on Our Dog Boarding Contract and Our Cat Boarding Contract documents attached to this page.

    But in addition to our requirements, we would like to make the following suggestions to make travel with your pet better, no matter where you go.

    When you travel with your pet we would like to suggest that you make an information packet. In a folder or envelope place a health certificate if the carrier you are using to requires it. Even if it is not required, you should carry with you a copy of your pet's shot record from the vet. We also suggest you enclose photos of your pet. If your pet has a microchip or tattoo identification number, then that should be included in the folder or envelope as well.

    With this information packet you have everything you need to check into just about any boarding facility. In addition if you ever get separated from your pet, it will help you reclaim your pet no matter who finds it. The photos and chip number or tattoo will help you prove ownership of your pet. Having your shot record will prevent Animal Control or a shelter from forcing you to re-vaccinate your pet. This will prevent you from being over charged and your pet from being over vaccinated (which can cause immune system problems).